Sunday, 22 May 2011

And then there was...13

Ok party people, I may have jumped the gun and am mixing up parties now, but today I purchased my first peacock chair for the 'Hot House High Tea.' (Yey me!) Seeing as how I will now hopefully be hosting this next party this coming spring/summer and I need more than one peacock chair to re-enact the party I thought I had best get started. Whilst out on a swan hunt yesterday (much less violent to a duck hunt but rather hard on my bank account) I stumbled across a white peacock chair in an antique shop. Exciting? Yes. But alas, the chair was looking at me with her $85 dollar price tag and saying "buy me" but my credit card was sending the "oh no you did-nt! (waggle finger) at me, so sadly I bid adure and departed the store. Here is where my story takes a happy turn. Today I had a stall at the local flea markets and, oh yes, I made some moola. So after the markets had finished, I packed up and high-tailed it back to Guildford and got my beautiful baby, and the best bit? I did get it slightly cheaper, slightly, but still cheaper. :-)

Now onto the 'then there were 13' section of today's blog. Also whilst at the markets today with my lovely mummy, I asked her to watch the stall for a few minutes so I could go have a look at what was on offer also and shaz-am! 2 more medium sized swans. I paid $10 for one and $13 for another. Oh happy days.

Other recent purchases included 11 gold rimmed dinning plates from Good Sammy's for 20c each, and (drum roll please) 10 pairs of angel wings for the backs of the chairs. Yippee! On this note I would like to apologize for the fact I do not have photo's on this blog of the parties I am aiming to re-create. I contacted the PR manager of the Author of the book Fleur Wood, and the lovely Dani replied and was very lovely and helpful. Unfortunately she was unable to give me permission to use images from the book on my blog, as the images themselves belong to the photographers. However, if you click on the link above for Fleur above, you can see some images from the book on her website. The name of the first party for me is 'Cloud 9' as is explained in my first post on this blog.

So mwha! All and remember...Look out for gold cutlery!!

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